In Orange County, where I live, the general consciousness of the population is not mostly individuals striving to save the planet, reduce waste, lower their carbon footprint, etc. As a matter of fact, I still get lots of questions when I say I am an EcoBroker and Green Real Estate Agent. People often ask me questions including: "what is green real estate, and why is it important?" Then they usually say: "Are you selling lots of green homes in the OC?" And truthfully, my answer is no, because there are not a lot of green homes in the OC....yet.
I am continually learning, training, and getting prepared for the day when most people look for a green home when they look to buy a home. However, they are starting to look for green features in a home, and starting to green up their lifestyle. So it is getting closer. Some are doing it because of their financial situation, and some because they have children and want to make a better future for them environmentally, and some because codes or laws force them to make changes. Whatever the reason, the trend is good. People I am finding are more and more aware of the need for a green lifestyle.
So, you are asking, what does this have to do with your Mini?
When I bought my mini in 2002, I did not know it was number 8 of the top ten green vehicles. I just knew it was like no car I had ever seen, and I had to have one! After all, it was a beeemer for less than $20,000. Now I could really fit in with my so-cal neighbors, owning a beemer, I joked. When I was studying for the Ecobroker certification, I considered getting a hybrid, until I found (back in 2004) mini's scored just as well as hybrids on the driving green stats. Now they are #17 out of the top 100, because so many other car manufacturers have finally made higher milage cars and jumped into the arena.
Anyway, I titled this "My Mighty Mini" because as I was at Home Depot on Saturday, once again loading very large cargo into the back of the car, I laugh because I have hauled so much in this small but mighty car. Bookcases, computer desks, lumber, and on Saturday, two rolls of 6'x13' bamboo fences. In the 8 years I have owned the Mini, I have never had to rent or borrow a van or truck to get something from place to place. The cargo space in this car with the back seats down, is amazing!! Why I laugh is people often tell me they need their large gas guzzling vehicle because they have things that they need to haul from time to time. So they justify the SUV. My Mighty Mini hauls a-- compared to theirs! For more info on green ratings and vehicles, go to