The City of San Diego City Council just approved a campaign to educate people about reusing greywater. Details can be found here: http://sandiegonewsroom.com/news/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=40233:toilet-to-tap-campaign-approved-by-council&catid=110:city-of-san-diego&Itemid=34
San Diego currently imports almost 80 percent of its water from outside the region, according to Coastkeeper Executive Director Bruce Reznik, who addressed the city council on Tuesday. This campaign seeks to lessen the city’s reliance on energy and expensive imported water. “Our over reliance on these sources has tremendous environmental and economic impacts on our region,” Recycling wastewater into drinking water is a reliable, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to enhance our local water supplies,” said Reznik.
I agree wholeheartedly. Years ago a friend of mine had a porcelain device on top of his toilet tank that took the clean tank water before it went into the toilet and pumped it like a faucet into a small sink that rested on the top of the tank. It was brilliant!! One could wash their hands after peeing with the toilet tank water and not turn on the sink tap and waste water. The soapy hand washing water just went into the tank for the next flush. I recently saw one of these online and vowed to purchase it, just can't remember where I saw it!
The name of the campaign though - Toilet to Tap? What are they smoking? This does not make me want to recycle my grey water, it makes me think the toilet water, not the tank water is being used for the tap.
Recycling grey water is surely the future.
You need to check out our product called the WL 55 from Water Legacy. www.waterlegacy.com We make a greywater system for whole house usage. It takes your shower and bath water and filters it, disinfects it and pumps it to your toilet for flushing. DO NOT FLUSH FRESH WATER is our motto. We need more people in SO Cal to be aware. Chris