Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One person can make a difference!

As I was walking to my recycle bin, I felt proud to know that 3 months earlier I went to my Homeowner's Association meeting and asked them why we did not have a recycling program. They said they had never put in a recycling bin because they thought it cost more money. I brought them a print out from waste management company showing that the association actually gets paid to have a recycle bin.
If you belong to a neighborhood that has an HOA, go to the meetings and let them know little things that they can do to green up the complex. One HOA I know of saved $60,000 a year by replacing the regular outside light bulbs with CFC (compact fluorescent) bulbs. Or, they can change the sprinkler timers and systems to only water when needed, and save lots of money on the water bill.
You probably won't see a reduction in dues, but maybe you can play a small part in keeping the dues from going up every year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Darlene,
    I love your information here! I was brought up green by my mom so conservation is fairly easy for me. It is hard to believe that people are not recycling. When you travel you see that so many other countries have been doing this for years! I am going to talk to our homeowners association regarding the light bulbs and bins. Thanks for the info. Donna
